
Every 1883 Episode, Ranked

Each episode of 1883 upped the stakes and the tragedy, and they all offered something for fans to enjoy.


When Taylor Sheridan’s Yellowstone prequel was first announced, many fans were excited at the prospect of another cowboy classic coming to the small screen. With a phenomenal performance from Wild West great Sam Elliott and top-notch support from LaMonica Garrett and Tim McGraw, 1883 has delivered on its promise and is likely to be held as one of TV’s best westerns.

A journey filled with broken hearts, bodies, and bones, 1883’s story of pioneers making their way across the west is a truly captivating adventure. However, 1883 is not for the faint of heart. Each episode upped the stakes and the tragedy, and they all offered something for fans to enjoy.

10, Episode 8: The Weep Of Surrender Was A Misstep In An Otherwise Exceptional Series

By far the most divisive episode of Taylor Sheridan’s epic Western series, The Weep Of Surrender largely focuses on Elsa as she continues her latest love affair. Many fans had grown tired of Isabel May’s character by this point in 1883, with Elsa’s actions often bordering on insultingly selfish.

This is greatly amplified in The Weep Of Surrender when Elsa makes an outlandish decision to stray from her family. The Duttons’ bond is what had carried much of the emotional weight of 1883, and this episode threatened to undo much of the excellent character work that had taken place before it.

9, Episode 7: Lightning Yellow Hair Continued Exploring Elsa’s Yearning For Love

Lightning Yellow Hair acted as the final nail in the coffin for much of the traveling group. The wrath of Mother Nature is felt in frightening force as Shea and the others desperately fight to keep their belongings and their loved ones intact during a storm.

This was also another episode with a heavy focus on Elsa. Lightning Yellow Hair saw her move on from her previous lover with unusually quick speed and fall for Native American warrior Sam. Some immersion-breaking romance during a particularly harrowing scene felt incredibly out of place and irritated many 1883 fans.

8, Episode 6: Boring The Devil Features Another Touching Performance From Sam Elliott

A slower episode than many others, Boring The Devil excels in character development and goes to great lengths to ensure that the viewer cares deeply for 1883’s characters.

The absolute highlight of Boring The Devil is the moving performance from Sam Elliott as he comforts Isabel May’s Elsa after her loss in the previous chapter. The entirety of 1883 has been a showcase of Elliott’s exceptional talents, and it has only further etched him into the history books as one of the greatest actors to ever put on a pair of cowboy boots.

7, Episode 4: The Crossing Put The Terrors Of The Road On Full Display

Multiple characters are wiped out as The Crossing highlights just how unforgiving the trail and Mother Nature can be. The Crossing focuses on the pioneers as they attempt to cross a river with their wagons and all they own.


The results are expectedly varied when it comes to each traveler, and watching the Duttons desperately try to save those that fell behind made for emotional television. The Crossing gave fans a hint into just how many people were going to be left behind by the journey’s end.

6, Episode 3: River Features The First Tragic Taste Of The Oregon Trail

The third episode of 1883 brilliantly dials up the conflict and tension within the camp and also sets off an engrossing romance angle that would ultimately lead to tragedy. Some fans grew tired of Elsa’s narration in later episodes, though insight into her worldview and outlook is welcome in River.

LaMonica Garrett, Sam Elliott, and Tim McGraw shine throughout 1883

 but their talents are especially electric when at odds with each other. The disagreements between the three gunslingers are what makes River another excellent installment.

5, Episode 2: Behind Us, A Cliff Took The Right Cues From The Great Westerns Of The Past

Behind Us, A Cliff features breathtaking tragedy and hard-hitting action. With this episode, Sheridan and the others cemented the fact that no characters are safe in 1883, and they also reminded viewers just how exciting a gunfight in the Old West can be.

Billy Bob Thornton stole the show with his usual charisma and presence as the town’s Marshall, and his interactions with Elliott and McGraw made for a real treat for Western fans. Behind Us, A Cliff also featured a jaw-dropping cameo from one of cinema’s greatest ever talents, Tom Hanks.

4, Episode 9: Racing Clouds Delivers The Epic Battle That Fans Had Hoped For

For all the hype around the Yellowstone prequel and the epic showdowns fans might see within it, Racing Clouds delivered a great Western battle. Fans’ eyes were glued to the screen as Elsa and the gun-toting pioneers fought against 1883’s most formidable foes.

This was no battle between good and evil, as a misunderstanding had led to the clash. This left viewers clinging on to hopes that characters would make it out alive rather than rooting for the demise of the would-be villains.

3, Episode 1: 1883 Set The Stage For A Sensational Series

The episode that started it all was the perfect setup for 1883’s epic tale. 1883 featured some quick-fire character introductions, including an unforgettable glimpse at the tragedy of Sam Elliott’s Shea and some insight into James Dutton’s firearm skills. This first installment fed the audience plenty of clues regarding the horrors that awaited.

Anyone familiar with the Old West knew that the Oregon Trail would be one filled with heartbreak and horror, yet this episode had viewers afraid for all of 1883’s characters.

2, Episode 5: Fangs Of Freedom Is A Stunning, Action-Packed Installment

The fifth chapter in Taylor Sheridan’s Wild West saga was fittingly wild, with a tense, action-packed shootout making up one of 1883‘s most thrilling scenes. After the many deaths in episode 4, fans may have expected a calmer, more peaceful segment of the show. Fangs Of Freedom defied expectations, adding even more corpses to 1883’s growing list.

This demise was far more shocking and impactful than any seen before. Fangs Of Freedom was perhaps the first episode that left some viewers sobbing, though it wouldn’t be the last.

1, Episode 10: This Is Not Your Heaven Is A Heartbreaking End To An Amazing Season

Fans certainly expected upsetting moments in 1883 given that the series is focused on such a perilous journey, yet few could have foreseen just how heartbreaking the end to the first season would be. Powerhouse performances from Sam Elliott, Tim McGraw, and Faith Hill make the season finale an incredibly tough watch and one that is unlikely to leave many fans with dry eyes.

This Is Not Your Heaven is a tragic hour of television without being gloomy or depressing. With that said, 1883’s tenth episode does end with a hopeful feeling, but it’s hard to shake the sadness for those who didn’t finish their journeys.


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