Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’: Kody & Robyn Helped Move Meri Out of Flagstaff Last Weekend (Pics)


Sister Wives stars Kody Brown, Robyn Brown, and Meri Brown are busy filming, and it looks like they’re doing this together, unlike the other two wives who seem to distance themselves from this trio.

An inquisitive fan of the TLC series happened to see some action going on at Lizzie’s Heritage Inn. That’s the bed and breakfast establishment owned by his first wife. So, they took a video of the scene which boils down to a lot of speculation as to what was going on last weekend. But now it appears cleared up.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown, Robyn Brown, Meri Brown – Three’s Company?

While Kody Brown might have dumped Meri Brown during the public venue of TV, it looks like she’s not holding a grudge. This includes Robyn Brown as well in the latest report of this trio over the weekend.

One fan was at the right place at the right time when she happened to be driving by Lizzie’s. While it’s hard to detect exactly who the people are in the video, it is easy enough to see it is happening at the B&B.

It seems Kody and Robyn were there as well with a moving truck. It must have looked like they were moving things out rather than into the B&B. That’s because this fan questioned if Meri sold the place and was now moving stuff out.

It appears she is moving but not out of her bed and breakfast. A new report indicates that she’s moving things out of Flagstaff and into her establishment in Utah.

But the biggest clue comes from her last address in Flagstaff. It seems the house she lived while in Flagstaff is back on the market for rent. So, it looks like she may be eyeing Lizzie’s as her permanent residence.

Piano Moving No Easy Feat for Meri and Kody?

The fan witnessing this move said it looked as if Meri and Kody were moving a piano. That’s the big object on the porch in the screenshot above. She said Robyn was standing out of the field of the camera lens at the time.

Then another Sister Wives follower did an investigation. She said the home Meri Brown has lived in for a few years in Flagstaff on the rental market. So, when you put two and two together, it looks as if she’s leaving the area where Kody and Robyn live.


It makes sense if she’s moving into the B&B, since she already owns it. Plus Meri’s bread and butter, other than the Sister Wives show, is her clothing sales. Since she sells a line of clothing online, she can work from anywhere.

Robyn Still in Good Graces with the Original Sister Wives Matriarch?

If Robyn was indeed there at Meri’s B&B then that suggests the two remained friends. A new report has Robyn upset about her buddy Meri Brown moving out of the area and peeved at Kody for not trying to keep her nearby.

But from the way it looks, Kody seems to support Meri’s move if he’s there helping her do so. When fans saw Meri and Kody in a moving truck stop at a gas station, they seemed happy to pose for the photo below.

Both flashed big smiles for the camera. It’s easy to see that Sister Wives fans still find them fascinating. Kody Brown now is down to one wife, Robyn Brown. Both Christine Brown and Janelle Brown decided their polygamous marriage with this shared husband wasn’t working.

These two left him, unlike Meri, who hung in there trying to get him to change his mind. But that was to no avail.

Meri is also no longer considered married to Kody, after what he had to say on the last season’s Tell All segment. That blindsided her. But it looks like she’s decided to move on with her life, with this big move away from the family she’s had for almost three decades.

So, Meri Brown has moved into Lizzie’s Heritage Inn, and she appears to still be on good terms with Kody Brown and Robyn Brown today. As they moved it looked like the Sister Wives cameras documented the event, so it appears as if the viewers will get to see this unfold when Season 18 from TLC rolls out.

Head back to Soap Dirt for the latest Sister Wives scoop.


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